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9 Tyndale Avenue BS16 3SJ Bristol




Introduction There is now so much advice online on how you can improve your businesses local SEO. This advice can range from adding Schema to your website, right through to making sure that your businesses NAP details are on your website. And this is all well and good, yet what often happens is that a business owner simply wants to know which methods of SEO will help the most. That’s to say, perhaps the business hasn’t got the time...

Introduction If you’re currently looking for an SEO company, well your probably currently being bombarded with marketing jargon as to what your website needs. That’s to say whether your phoning a local seo business, or you’ve attended a meeting with an agency, you may have been told that your website needs more backlinks. So many business owners recognise that they require high-quality backlinks, yet with that said many business owners do not know what they are. Also, there’s simply loads...

Introduction When most business owners think about SEO, they think its super complicated, and sometimes it can be. For example, building high-quality backlinks, which can send “link juice” to a website, well that often requires a lot of skill. Yet, there are always ways that a business can improve their seo through ways which are much simpler to implement. So this had our digital marketing agency thinking, what are the easiest forms of seo to implement onsite? But remember, that all...

Introduction There is still a very large proportion of business owners that still haven’t the foggiest as to what the Google Penguin update is. But why should a business have to understand this, surely that’s what SEO agencies are paid for, right? Well, kind of but we think its always a good thing if your business has some seo knowledge, especially when it comes to important updates. The reason being is some marketing agencies may try and pull the wool...

Introduction If you’ve ever read an SEO report, you will know that it’s hard not to read one page that doesn’t state the term “backlinks”. So, as you can imagine they are an important part of the seo process. Yet, with that said, there will still be loads of business owners that simply haven’t got a clue as to what backlinks are, and also how they help your business. But do not fear, as our seo experts are about...

Introduction Let’s be fair, some websites that report SEO news state that a new update is rolling out as regular as clock work. Yet, for those that work in digital marketing, they will know that some updates are simply more significant than some others. And most online marketing companies would agree that one of the largest updates in recent years was the Google Panda update. Now when this update first stated rolling out in 2011 it had a lot of...

Introduction When a business first starts investing in SEO, there are simply loads of confusing terms to get your head around. Sure, you could leave all this work for your marketing agency to sort out, yet most businesses like to know a thing or two about SEO so that they can be hands-on with the process also. So, if your business is about to invest in local seo, well we bet you’ve come across the term “NAP”. NAP is a...

Introduction Most businesses now face more competition than ever. This means just one thing, that is businesses now need to stand out from the crowd using SEO. However, most business owners get quickly confused which agency they should use, and which seo methods are best. This confusion is often caused by one thing, that is marketing jargon. We don’t like jargon here, instead we like to explain our marketing methods clearly. And as our agency focuses on offering organic seo and...

Introduction When you first start to invest in seo, and you have an initial meeting with your marketing jargon, well your head may explode with all the marketing jargon that’s used. And more often than not some agencies state that your website hasn’t got schema mark-up and it should have. And they may well be right. However often some seo businesses mark schema out to be the most complicated thing in the world, yet it is’nt. There’s even tools that...

Introduction When we order something for our business, say we hire a decorating business to revamp the décor of our offices, well we would expect the workers to show up on time, and complete the decorating work as agreed. So, when a business is hiring a local seo company, the business owner would normally expect to pay, and then instantly start seeing the benefits of investing in organic SEO. That’s to say, often once the first invoice is paid,...