How long does it take to get a website onto the first page of Google?
You may have already spotted that your website is flagging behind the competition. But you’ve made the right first move, you’ve decided to hire a local seo company.
But now you have a million and one other questions, and the one which is bugging you most is this one- how long will it take to get your website onto the first page of Google.
Well we have to say it’s question that we get asked very frequently. So in order to offer some helpful advice, let’s look at what factors influence how long it takes.
Ranking signals
Now you may well be thinking how does Google decide which websites get onto the first page?
Well the reason a business get’s listed on the first page of Google is because that website has really strong ranking signals.
Now were going to have to get a bit technical here for a second, so if you’ve been thinking about grabbing a cuppa, now’s the time for that.
The reason things are a but technical is because ranking signals are not just one or two signals, no, there are thought to be well over two hundred.
So anything from your humble meta description, right through to your high-powered backlinks, these can all be what are referred to as ranking signals.
With this in mind Google is adding a score to each ranking signal, and yes you guessed right, the websites with the best score will be ranked on the first page.
So who assigns the score?
Well as you can imagine, where a business ranks can sometimes change many times per day, so a human is not assigning the score every time a website shifts position.
No, Google, and the other major search engines employ the services of rather sophisticated algorithms.
These algorithms also change from time to time, so this can also produce large seismic shifts in where businesses rank.
Okay, get to the blooming point, how long does it take to get a website onto the first page!
Well, that is the point, it all depends on how strong your competitors are. If they have really strong ranking signals, and not just in a few areas, but many, well its going to take a long time to overtake the competition.
On the other hand, if your competitors have been neglecting their seo, and their websites have stood dormant, well then its going to be much, much easier.
So in a nutshell, it all boils down to how much work your competitors have implemented. If they have taken their eye of the ball, well the cost to implement seo work is likely to be a lot cheaper.
How can you lot help?
We are quite simply seo experts. We don’t like to blow our own trumpet, but sometimes the timing just feels right.
So in short, we are experts in organic seo, and also local seo. Our prices are very reasonable as well, so if you need help drafting an online marketing strategy, or writing content marketing, then why not give us a ring?